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wattx in the press

Was der AI Act für den Mittelstand bedeutet

Der AI Act soll KI auf europäischer Ebene sicherer machen. Dazu gehören auch strenge Regularien, die Diskriminierung und Datenpannen verhindern sollen. Doch der Compliance-Zwang kann die Innovationskraft von Unternehmen auch lähmen. Von der Angst, etwas falsch zu machen, profitieren vor allem Berater, argumentiert Simon Müller, der Chief Technology Officer von Wattx, einem der führenden Start-up-Inkubatoren in Deutschland.

Tagesspiegel Background Webseite

wattx Managing Director Anne Decker | Süddeutsche Zeitung: what Mittelstand companies can learn from start-ups and vice versa

Anne Decker is the head of Wattx, one of the leading start-up incubators in Germany. She works with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on future business models. And she is convinced: start-ups and SMEs can learn a lot from each other.

Süddeutsche Zeitung Website

Managing Director & CTO at Wattx, Simon Müller | The Leadership Lab @ DeepRec.AI

CTO Simon Müller sits down with Anthony Kelly for our latest instalment of the podcast. As a technology enthusiast and entrepreneurial-minded leader, Simon brings extensive experience guiding engineering teams across diverse industries while maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability. His unique background allows him to seamlessly bridge the gap between technical systems and business processes, specifically within the realms of industrial manufacturing, operations, and logistics.In recent years, Simon's focus has shifted from hardware (industrial robots) to software systems and the digitalization of industrial processes, with an emphasis on creating sustainable solutions. He enjoys architecting backend infrastructure for industrial IoT solutions, leveraging AI and Machine Learning methodologies to gain insights from IoT data, and driving sustainable innovations in the industry.

DeepRec.AI Podcast Website

NTV Podcast - So techt Deutschland | "Wir brauchen viel mehr Risikofreude in Deutschland"

Anne Decker is on a mission together with company builder Wattx. She wants to turn ideas into companies. In Germany, this is not always an easy undertaking. Too much bureaucracy and too little willingness to take risks, is Decker's verdict in the ntv podcast “So techt Deutschland”.

NTV Podcast Website

Mixed doubles: Anne Decker und Jürgen Hase

Anne Decker and Jürgen Hase finance start-ups, albeit from different backgrounds. A conversation about entrepreneurial spirit, the right values and how to burn without getting burned.

Absatzwirtschaft Website

wattx develops employees only to let them go

With every start-up spin-off at company builder Wattx, some of the employees also move to the corresponding young company. How is it possible to continuously attract new talent?

Personalwirtschaft Webseite

Company Builder: paving the way for digitalization

wattx, a spin-off of heating system manufacturer Viessmann, has a wealth of experience as a company builder. Founded in 2015, wattx has been helping to drive start-ups for years. It has over 100 projects, 15 digital products and eight spin-off start-ups to its name, including Statice, Hasty, Snuk and Stryza.‍

Creditreform Website

Bodenständigkeit oder Internet-Raketen – was führt zum Erfolg?

Modesty is essential when building a startup. Founders should be able to assess the market, deal with risks and not make rash decisions, but they must not lose their “big picture thinking”.

Deutsche-Startups Website

The digital sofa: wattX - The Company Builder from Viessmann - Episode 149 - with Anne Decker & Simon Müller

“The Swiss army knife for complex problems ”wattX is Viessmann's company builder. Initially only intended for the implementation of own business ideas, it is now also open to support the entire SME sector in the implementation of new business ideas. KEMWEB CEO Oliver Kemmann talks to the wattX management duo Anne Decker and Simon Müller in the latest episode of “Das Digitale Sofa”. The two form the dual leadership of the company builder, which builds new companies from digital products - both on its own and in cooperation with its SME partners. The goal: innovation from SMEs for SMEs.

Das digitale Sofa Podcast

Founded by Viessmann in 2015, the company builder wattx operates independently and, with new dual leadership Anne Decker & Simon Müller, builds on versatile experience in the deep tech sector for SMEs

“The Swiss army knife for complicated problems” - company builder wattx wants to become the trailblazer for German SMEs. “We have strong innovative power in Germany, we just have to make it fly.” Anne Decker and Simon Müller from wattx are convinced of this. The two form the dual leadership of the company builder, which builds new companies from digital products - both on its own and in cooperation with its SME partners. The goal: innovation from SMEs for SMEs.

FinanzNachrichten Website

“The Swiss army knife for complicated problems” - Company builder wattx wants to become the trailblazer for German SMEs

Founded by Viessmann in 2015, the company builder operates independently and builds on a wealth of experience in the deep tech sector.

“We have strong innovative power in Germany, we just have to make it fly” - Anne Decker and SimonMüller from wattx are convinced of this. The two form the dual leadership of the company builder, which builds new companies from digital products - both on its own and in cooperation with its SME partners. The goal: innovation from SMEs for SMEs.

Press Release

Venture Builder wattx: Anne Decker Co-Managing Director

Anne Decker has been part of the Viessmann Group, a manufacturer of energy systems, since the beginning of September. Decker acts as Co-Managing Director of the Viessmann company builder wattx and will also be part of the so-called innovation ecosystem Maschinenraum GmbH.

Wir Magazine Website

Climony: App for more environmental protection

Viessmann's company builder Wattx is launching Climony, a new venture for calculating, reducing and offsetting CO2 emissions. The aim is to counteract climate change and preserve habitats for future generations.

Markenartikel Magazin Website

Viessmann's company builder wattx launches climony - a new venture to decarbonize society

Company builder wattx launches Climony - a new venture for calculating, reducing and offsetting CO2 emissions - The aim is to counteract climate change and preserve habitats for future generations - climony offers knowledge, actions and initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions from households - In the future, the startup wants to become the interface between civil society, companies, NGOs and municipalities in the field of climate protection - The first version of Climony is now available in the iOS App Store.

SHK Journal Website

New AI start-up Deevio

Wattx, the company builder initiated by Viessmann, has already founded its fourth startup with the AI startup Deevio. Deevio uses artificial intelligence to ensure that industrial quality control becomes more efficient and can run automatically.

Invision News Website

How digitalization is redefining value creation

Most of the hidden champions have worked hard to earn their reputation. However, digital technologies are now heralding a paradigm shift in value creation. And that's where the problems begin.

Wirtschaftswoche Website

A 99-year-old heating engineer takes a radical approach

The Hessian heating manufacturer Viessmann wants to discover digital business models. It launched its own company builder for this purpose a year ago. What's behind it?

Gründerszene Website

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